Widgets - 2.5.3 open 0% 1 issue (0 closed — 1 open) Related issues Widgets - Feature #272: add option to hide time readouts Actions
3.2.0 open 0% 18 issues (0 closed — 18 open) Related issues Bug #167: don't consider asleep time/waketime of 0 duration periods in certain statistics and graphs Actions Bug #210: free -> paid widget conversion seems broken Actions Bug #247: DST changes not taken into consideration on record or history tabs Actions Bug #249: hindrance compare crash Actions Feature #93: don't allow overlapping sleep records Actions Feature #131: Add ability to record overall amount of fatigue/sleepiness one felt during the day Actions Feature #134: add sleep aids scatter plot Actions Feature #156: add an option to consider days with no sleep period as part of statistics Actions Feature #177: allow a value of don't care/ignore for quality Actions Feature #180: automatically adjust quality when holes are added Actions Feature #182: add amount of time snoozed to recorded data Actions Feature #192: add quality to the aid/hindrance/tag effect bar graphs Actions Feature #195: add description field to dream entry thingy Actions Feature #218: add ability to define a different default set of tags/aids/hindrances based on some conditions Actions Feature #221: split the daily sleep bar graph differently depending on the Include Today setting Actions Feature #255: support google drive for backup and syncing across multiple devices Actions Feature #257: sort out external storage mess Actions Feature #271: more flexible graph periods Actions
pie in the sky open Maybe at some point these things might happen, but I don't want to think about it yet. 0% 23 issues (0 closed — 23 open) Related issues Bug #31: make graph period fling smarter Actions Bug #146: CPU usage of widget package goes through the roof in emulator upon saving new sleep period Actions Feature #43: figure out how to handle graphs with too much data Actions Feature #45: add entheogen sleep aid class Actions Feature #49: replace java.util.Calendar usage with android.text.format.Time Actions Feature #53: add ability to reset all settings to their default values Actions Feature #57: add shake to wake up to be used with record mode widget Actions Feature #59: add a preference that sets when the weekly balance statistic resets Actions Feature #60: fix stuff for QVGA Actions Feature #69: add support for android's data backup service Actions Feature #71: add a quality vs day of the week graph Actions Feature #90: allow user defined statistics computational ranges Actions Feature #109: work with caffeine tracking app to draw caffeinated sleep graph Actions Feature #118: add nightly quality range percentage statistics Actions Feature #119: add scatter plots Actions Feature #121: make things more tablet friendly Actions Feature #124: add ability to schedule periodic backups Actions Feature #125: add alertness level to information that can be entered via the record tab Actions Feature #132: adding mood before going to bed to things on the record tab Actions Feature #171: stick sleep periods into google calendar Actions Feature #173: support tracking sleep for more than one user Actions Feature #243: add ability to change the graph color scheme Actions Feature #244: add ability to export statistics in Excel format Actions