Bug #215
closedimport from free screws up null bedtime records
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It seems that importing data from the free version results in 0 being inserted into the database for the bedtime of any records that have a null bedtime in free.
This has the following implications:- need to fix the bug itself
- need to add logic to correct people's databases in paid only
- need to make the CSV importer not insert new 0 bedtimes
Updated by Tony Ciavarella almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
r1071, r1072, and r1073 seem to address this issue. I tried the following scenarios:
- import free data that contains null bedtimes into paid
- load a CSV file that contains 0 bedtimes
- get a database in paid with 0 bedtimes and then run an updated version of paid to correct it
All of the above now seem to result in null instead of 0 bedtimes.